Aug 26 , 2022

shawn SAEIDI

What Should I Look For When Hiring A Landscape Contractor?

So you’ve decided to upgrade your home by investing in artificial grass. Congratulations! You're well on your way to revolutionising your outdoor space. All you need now is some time, money and a little help from a landscaping contractor — if you know which one to hire, that is.

For first-timers, picking the perfect contractor for landscaping is less than simple. With so many options, selecting a provider that doesn't just meet but exceeds your expectations in every way can feel overwhelming.

Thankfully, this doesn't always have to be the case. As long as you're willing to do some homework, you can narrow down your list of contractors in a few days or less.

What to look for in great landscape contractors

The divide between good and great landscaping contractors is extremely obvious. The best of the best aren't afraid to go the extra mile — not only garnering excellent reviews but carrying themselves in a manner worthy of your business.

Below are some of the most desirable attributes to look for in an Australian landscape contractor:

- Check their reviews

Online reviews offer a bird’s-eye view of landscape contractors and their outcomes.

Apart from Google My Business and platforms like Yelp, it may be profitable to ask around. Chat with family, friends and even co-workers about their personal experiences with landscaping contractors. Do they have any to recommend or any to sway you away from?

- Portfolio of results

Any landscaping contractor worth their salt should supply a full portfolio of results. This should show a variety of situations and outcomes, including plenty of information regarding different use cases. If you can't find a gallery of pictures on the landscaper's website, it might be beneficial to reach out and ask. If nothing is provided, you might want to look elsewhere.

- Inspection transparency

During your initial quoting process, keep an eye out for transparency on the contractor's part. This includes estimates of all fees, additional costs and other information about the scope of work.

You may want to solicit quotes from different providers to see how they measure up. Remember, the cost shouldn't necessarily be a make-or-break part of choosing a contractor, but it's certainly something to be considered.

If you suspect anything untoward about the budget, press harder with more direct questions. Answers that are cryptic or not forthcoming at this stage could lead to less-than-optimal results down the road.

- Honesty and attitude

Meeting contractors face-to-face lets you familiarise yourself with their personality and sincerity. Do you appreciate their unique selling points? Do you feel pride in the work they do?

Finding the best landscape contractors near me

So what makes a great landscaping contractor? At King Turf, we believe that you’ll know just by experiencing our special benefits. By choosing to work with us, you’ll have access to many product, design and installation benefits, including:

- Artificial grass that takes away manual labour
- Your space will look clean and consistent
- You’ll have access to a specially tailored and designed setup
- Experience our copyrighted deodorised artificial grass that captures 100% of the smells
- Our very own design and manufacturing team tailors products to the Australian climate
- Specially crafted child and pet-friendly grass
- Professional installation from a passionate and experienced team

The more niche the contractor is, the better your outcomes will be. This is especially true of projects completed by King Turf, Australia's premier artificial landscape service contractor.

Choose King Turf as your landscape service contractor

Serving the homes and businesses of Australia with ten years of experience in the synthetic grass industry, King Turf acts as a benchmark for artificial spaces all over the country. Our company's innovative solutions and unrivalled commitment to customer service put us at the top of the landscaping industry, with a portfolio of commercial, residential and specialty properties alike.

Get started on a free quote for your Australian property by calling our Sydney office now.